Welcome to the Kentucky Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (KOPA)
KOPA is an organization that helps connect and promote the orthotic and prosthetic profession in the state of Kentucky. This non-profit group provides continuing education opportunities, membership outreach and seeks to create a network of communication between Orthotic and Prosthetic professionals in our state
Continuing Education |
Licensure Updates |
KOPA will seek to provide yearly opportunities for continuing education for KY O&P professionals. Along with an annual Educational Symposium in the Fall, KOPA will strive to create Spring Technical Meetings as well.
Legislative AdvocacyKOPA will update KY O&P professionals on any current, ongoing legislative actions in Kentucky and nationally.
KOPA will update any new licensure information in the event that there were any changes in the process or requirements for Kentucky O&P professionals who seek to attain or renew their State License.
Networking and Community Building KOPA would like to help create an atmosphere of communication and networking for all professionals involved in providing Orthotic and Prosthetic care in the state of Kentucky. Through attendance at meetings, sharing of ideas and building friendships with other professionals, we all become more empowered through a sense of community.
The KOPA Board is committed to creating worthwhile relationships, providing education and fostering the sharing of ideas among the orthotists, prosthetists and pedorthists practicing in the Commonwealth." - Meghan Ludwick, MSPO, L/CPO, CFo
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